14 Jun 2024

The Power of Tap: How NFC Devices Encourage Customer Reviews and Boost Business

In the digital age, customer reviews have become a critical factor in shaping the reputation and success of businesses. With the advent of Near Field Communication (NFC) technology, businesses now have a powerful tool to encourage more customer reviews in a simple and efficient manner. This blog post explores the benefits of using in-store NFC-enabled devices for garnering customer reviews and how this strategy can significantly boost your business.

What is NFC and How Does It Work?

NFC, short for Near Field Communication, is a technology that allows devices like phones and smartwatches to exchange small bits of data with other devices and read NFC-equipped cards over relatively short distances. The technology behind NFC is very similar to radio-frequency identification (RFID) commonly used in security cards and keychain fobs1.

Encouraging More Reviews with NFC

The beauty of NFC lies in its simplicity. Customers just have to tap their smartphone on the NFC-enabled device, and they can leave a review on Google in seconds. This ease of use encourages more customers to share their experiences, leading to an increase in the volume of reviews.

Moreover, since customers are in-store and likely enjoying their experience, they are more inclined to give a positive rating. This is supported by research showing that consumers write reviews if their experience with the company inspired a heightened emotional response.

The Impact of Customer Reviews on Business

Customer reviews can have a significant impact on a business’s revenue and profitability. Positive reviews can attract new customers and increase sales, while negative reviews can lead to lost sales and a decline in revenue. Here are some key reasons why customer reviews are so important to a business:

Reputation: Customer reviews can affect your company’s reputation and the public perception of your products or services. Having many positive reviews can improve your company’s social credibility and leave positive impressions on potential customers.

Customer Engagement: Having a place for customers to leave reviews can provide a positive way for customers to engage with your business. This engagement is important because customers who want to write reviews for your products and services typically either feel connected to your brand or have relevant information to share with others about their experience.

Sales Uplift: On average, reviews produce an 18% uplift in sales. Customers are more likely to purchase from a website that has customer reviews than a website that doesn’t. Displaying reviews on your website gives potential customers more confidence in their purchasing decisions and reduces doubts, leading to a higher conversion rate.

In conclusion, the use of NFC-enabled devices in stores to encourage customer reviews is a powerful strategy for businesses. Not only does it simplify the review process, but it also increases the likelihood of receiving positive reviews. As customer reviews play a crucial role in shaping a business’s reputation and driving its sales, this strategy can significantly boost a business’s success in today’s digital age.

Where can I get a NFC tag? 

In light of the benefits discussed, we’d like to introduce you to Review Tap, our innovative NFC review tag. This small device doesn’t require Wi-Fi or power and offers lifetime unlimited usage. Simply place the Review Tap in a convenient location in your store, and your customers can tap their smartphone to leave a review in seconds. It’s a hassle-free way to encourage more customer reviews and boost your business’s online reputation. Harness the power of customer feedback with Review Tap, and watch your business grow. You can order your Google review stand here:   https://ischoolwallet.com/product/google-review-stand