02 Jul 2024

Are Student Discounts Important for Businesses?

Student discounts have become a powerful marketing tool for businesses across various industries. Whether you run an e-commerce store, a local coffee shop, or a software company, offering student discounts can yield significant benefits. In this blog post, we’ll explore why student discounts matter and how they can positively impact your business.

1. Future Consumers

Students represent the consumers of the future. By targeting college students and winning their loyalty, you’re investing in long-term brand advocates. Consider this: working-age graduates now earn significantly more than non-graduates, making them valuable potential customers1.

2. Brand Image and Loyalty

Did you know that 85% of students say their experience with a brand during university influences their future shopping decisions? Offering student discounts portrays your brand as inclusive and considerate of students’ financial constraints. This fosters loyalty and encourages repeat business1.

3. Competitive Edge

In a crowded market, standing out is crucial. Implementing student discounts can give your brand a competitive edge. Surprisingly, 83% of students are more likely to shop at a retailer that offers a student discount1. Don’t miss out on this opportunity!

4. Addressing Financial Constraints

Student loans make up a significant portion of students’ monthly income. They actively seek value and deals to stretch their money further. By offering discounts, you address their financial needs and create a positive brand image1.

5. Investment in Tomorrow’s Customers

Over 75% of students feel loyal to businesses that offer discounts, even after graduating. Think of it as an investment in your future customer base. These students will remember your brand and continue supporting it as they progress in their careers2.

Implementation Tips

» List your business on student exclusive marketplaces like www.ischoolwallet.com
» Promote Student Discounts: Add a dedicated section on your website highlighting student discounts. Use eye-catching banners and clear CTAs.
» Email Campaigns: Reach out to your student database via email. Let them know about exclusive discounts and how to redeem them.
» Window Stickers: If you have a physical store, display window stickers indicating student discounts.
» Social Media: Leverage platforms like Instagram and TikTok to showcase student-friendly deals.


Remember, offering student discounts isn’t just charity—it’s smart business. By gaining students’ trust, reducing bounce rates, and fostering engagement, you’re setting the stage for long-term success. So, go ahead and implement those student discounts—you’ll be investing in a brighter business future! 🎓💡


1. Why Student Discounts Matter: The Impact on Brand Loyalty
2. The Long-Term Effects of Student Discounts
3. twistblogg.com